La nostra azienda nasce nel 1986 e grazie alle idee sempre innovative con proposte attente alle tendenze della moda, conquista con successo il mercato nazionale posizionandosi nelle migliori gioiellerie del nostro territorio.
La partecipazione a fiere e mostre internazionali ci consente da piu' di venti anni di raccogliere le preferenze di clienti e gruppi d'acquisto europei e d'oltre oceano. 
Oggi le nostre creazioni, realizzate sempre artigianalmente come nella nostra filosofia, sono rigorosamente prodotte in italia, si possono trovare nelle migliori gioiellerie in europa, asia, america del nord e sud america, dove una succursale commerciale in venezuela trova un notevole riscontro del nostro "made in italy" che da anni ci gratifica e ci permette di mantenere la passione e la creativita' nella nostra missione.

About us:
 Our Company was born in 1986 and, thanks to its always innovative ideas and products that have kept pace with fashion trends, has since successfully conquered its domestic market, numbering the best Italian jewellery shops among its clients. 
Through our participation to international trade fairs and shows we have been able for over 20 years to be selected among their preferred suppliers by clients and purchasers in Europe and overseas.
Today, our products, always hand-crafted in the tradition pursued by our founder and proprietor and rigorously made in Italy, can be found in the best jewellery shops in Europe, Asia, North and South America; in Latin America, through our commercial subsidiary in Venezuela, we have encountered a significant appreciation of our "made in Italy" that is lasting to our satisfaction through the years and allows us to maintain alive the passion and creativity in our mission".

lunedì 23 giugno 2014


Mod. 1051TR 01

Mod. EB 62 SN 03

Mod. P564 TH 35

Mod. P539 TT 28

Mod. P539 SN 03

Mod. P556 TT 28

Mod. EB71 BK 04

Mod. EB 42 BL 42

Mod. EB42 VD 35

Mod. EB42 VG 09

Mod. EB63 GR 18

Mod. EB63 RM 11

Mod. A14 TR 06

Mod. A14 TT 44

Mod. P564 VL 09

Mod. P564 TT 03
Mod. 1051 RS 01
Mod. 4030 FX 08

Mod. 4037 BK 11

Mod. 4116 BK 28

Mod. 4116 BK 35
Mod. DK6 CN 01

Mod. EB 15 BK 04

Mod. EB 42 BL 42

Mod. EB 42 FX 09

Mod. EB 42 VL 15

Mod. EB 51 GL 44

Mod. EB 57 GR 18

Mod. EB 57 ON 20

Mod. EB 63 BK 04

Mod. EB 63 RS 02

Mod. EB 70 FX 08

Mod. EB 70 LM 12

Mod. EB 72 TY 28

Mod. GM7 SL 12

Mod. GM7 SN 03

Mod. GM7 TH 04

Mod. P539 SN 03

Mod. P564 BK 04

Mod. P564 GL 44

Mod. P564 GR 18

Mod. P564 LL 25

Mod. P 564 MS 44

Mod. P564 RS 03

Mod. P564 TT 28

Mod. 564 WH 34

Mod. DK6 BK 04

Mod. 4116 TR 01